Updated April 6, 2022
Testimonials from Friday Night LIVE - April 2022
Thank you Arise and Go Ministries, Hallelujah and amen in Jesus Christ. Thank you for using your home to be a house for the LORD. I believe GODS presence was truly with us. I pray in the name of Jesus that the will of GODS plans, his will be done right here on earth just like it is done in heaven, he has already blessed you with the vision of a barn & acres of land so that we will draw more people to HIM.
Renee J.
The atmosphere beheld the glory of the LORD, as every person came together on one accord in worship. Jerry & Tasha Causey ushered us into HIS presence. Pastor Ramon Foster from New Song Church came with a message from GOD, shared relationship vs religion. The safest place to be is in GODS presence.
Linda B.
I really love the diversity at AGM, anyone is welcome, and everyone is accepted, no matter the church you attend. GOD is moving in powerful ways for Arise and Go Ministries.
Ashley K
AGM is truly a blessing! Last night was AMAZING. The worship was AMAZING. Singing together and praising the LORD really filled my tank! Great ministry and great people.
Katie K
Update October, 27, 2021
The mentorship program was great, getting together with women each month was something I looked forward to, I always felt welcomed, there were times when I would come feeling overwhelmed due to life’s circumstances, and the women were always there to encourage, uplift, and pray for me.
Sandra V.
Getting me to open my Bible more and learning more about myself , and fellowshipping with some wonderful women that are so Blessed.
Beth R
I loved coming. I loved experiencing the hand of God. His faithfulness. The many positive thoughts. Love. And getting past a situation that would be impossible for me to do.
Lynette B.
I had a great time with the group and LOVED the worship!
Cyndi O.
We were so blessed; I can’t even begin to tell you. It exceeded our expectations, and we had already been feeling a pull towards this ministry. Jeff and I were both prayed over for the Resthaven (Door County) retreat home. Erica prayed prophetically as well as your mom. It was such a blessing and confirmation to us. The worship was phenomenal, we have not been so uplifted like that in a long time. It felt like a beautiful church experience; I am being careful using that word because I know you are not technically a church but for us, it was such a needed and refreshing blessing! We are already looking forward to the next event.
Jeff & Susan B.
I was very blessed to spend time there! I was very encouraged by many generations of followers of Christ. I will return for that reason.
Jacob L.
I was truly blessed in every area. Sometimes we forget that we sit in our comfort zone and are afraid to step outside, due to fear of failing. I believe that once God helps me to get this body in line, I would like to step out & let God continue His work in my life. "He that began a good work in you, is faithful to complete it.". I thank God that You & your parents have stepped out in that faith & are doing exactly what God has purposed for you. May you Ministry continue to grow, as God continues to bless you. Love you guys.
Kathy W.
For me, it was the presence of God that was hovering over the house. I could feel the freedom and the presence instantly. There was such an instant release of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. God gave me visions, words of wisdom and prophecy...and the gifts flowed so easily. While I was praying with 2 others, the Lord showed me a vision of the house they were building for a ministry they were working towards...God showed me the house, the pond, and the gardens...Later on, I looked it up, and it was exactly the same!
Erika G.
I felt like I was at home. Worship flowed. Sisterhood. Felt loved and accepted.
Bonnie S.
I am thankful I went. I definitely felt the Holy Spirit move from the time I got there to the time I left. God is amazing. I didn't know what to expect coming, but it was amazing, and I will be coming again. I really enjoyed the Speakers and prayer time and worship was amazing too. I need more prayer time like that. Thank you so much for inviting me. I have been struggling with my prayer time and I need a pick me up once in a while.
Carrie D.
I was invited to come to an Arise and Go Ministries event by Linda Scalish. I didn’t know what to expect. All I knew was that God placed Linda on my heart. I had come to a Stepping Into Leadership event before and was always touched by that ministry. I was uncomfortable with the thought of going to an event alone, but I had prayed and asked God if I should go and I wanted to be obedient with whatever His answer was. So, I went, and I was blessed. The Holy Spirit was there and once again I was touched by the Arise and Go Ministries. I was delivered that night!
Sandra V.
I very much felt like it was a church plant. I also felt like it was a mini Stepping Into Leadership.
I definitely felt the Holy Spirit working there. I’m not sure what I expected. I think as God grows this it will be more like a community. It takes a village to raise one child and God is in the business of raising up people who will go out and share Him. Yes, I will come back, because I want to see what God has in store for me and Arise and Go Ministries.
Sheila S.
It encouraged me to see others hungry for God - since I am already ‘going forth’ the next step for most is to ‘go’ and that is typically the hardest part- having worked to train individuals- I’ve witnessed the most God fearing praying people ‘stay at that place’ wanting to be in His Presence but not comfortable taking His Presence Out into the world.
Mary M
Heartbeat of the Nations - Global Outreach Foundation
The night was full of love and togetherness. Jesus was exalted and I believe He was pleased with the heart’s desire to glorify Him alone. I was out of my comfort zone standing before people. Being the extreme introvert that I am! I feel like God is stretching me and wants to stretch and push us all out of our comfort zone. Our hearts are open.
Doris T.
I liked it. Absolutely touched my heart. I love that it is a commingle of people and conversations that were open and centered upon God and the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Sandy W.
I have a feeling that this Ministry is really going to take off! I'm really happy and excited to be back with this group again!
Robert A.
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