Arise and Go Ministries met for 3 days for our 2nd annual Team Training.
February 27, 2020 - Thursday Night
Thursday night we began with a Ladies Night Only. Pizza, pop and salad was served along with a special treat of chocolate covered strawberries made by Sandra Valdez.
Our keynote speaker, Laurie Ganiere, brought the Word of God for our first night. Her message was about how we tend to be content in the what and not content in the who (our provider). She reminded us that in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” There are 4 main components that every human needs and God is the only one who can provide these things: Identity (who does God say that you are. Psalm 139 says, “You have searched me, LORD, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar…”, Acceptance, Purpose (Jeremiah 29:11… “”For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”” and Security. We know of God, but Laurie asked us, “If we really know Him?” She encouraged us by reminding us that God is calling us into a deeper relationship with Him.
February 28, 2020 - Friday Morning
The next day 14 ladies came back in the morning to start with a devotional led by: Kristy Scalish. We went through 14 scriptures and the whole team communicated how each scripture related to Team Building. Then, we split up into 3 groups for a FUN “Team Building Experience” lots of laughs. A scavenger hunt at IKEA and Kwik Trip challenged us to work as a TEAM, it was amazing to see them work together and taking pictures and videos to document our goals along the way. Getting customers & employees to participate in our adventure was a BLAST.
February 28, 2020 - Friday Night
We continued Friday night with our monthly Arise and Go Ministries event. 33 men and women came together for fellowship, shopping at our Bids & Blessings table and worship led by Jerry Causey who truly brought us into the throne room of God. When his wife Tasha accompanied him, it took our worship time to an even deeper level.
Thank you to missionaries from Ukraine, Jeremy & Wendy Osborne, who joined us to share what GOD was doing in Ukraine as well as their God-given dreams they want to accomplish in the future.
Our keynote speaker, Lisa Rodriguez, shared what GOD put on her heart. She felt that many of us are waiting to get to the promised land but couldn’t get through the gate. She said GOD is taking us to a new level. He is pulling us backwards to go forward. God is doing a shift in this new season and we all need to live supernatural in an ordinary life. We ended the night with individual and group prayer, PRAISE GOD for the many healings & break throughs that took place.
Lisa encouraged us to pray Psalm 91 every day.
February 29, 2020 - Saturday
Saturday, 19 team members joined us for 4 workshops. Tom Scalish started the morning with diving deeper into the giftings that God has given us and how each one is important in fulfilling our purpose.
Linda & Kristy Scalish followed him with a workshop talking about the opportunities within AGM to use their giftings. After lunch our third workshop led by Bob Batzler went into Acts 1:8 and how we need to use the power of the Holy Spirit today to accomplish God’s plan and purpose in our lives. Finally, Alex Erdmann spoke on, “Overcoming Strongholds and Barriers that Impede our Spiritual Growth”.
Hebrews 12:1-2 reminds us that we need to throw off everything that hinders us and the sin that so easily entangles us. Alex had us write down on a notecard our sins & bad habits or something that God has specifically told us that we needed to turn away from. Then one by one we physically took our slips & ran them through the shredder and reminded us that our sins and bad habits don’t define us. On another notecard he had us write down some good habits that we would like to see happen in our lives like exercising more, reading the Bible more, praying more, budgeting our monies, etc. and putting our list inside our bibles.
The 3 days with our team was amazing! Many thanks to our volunteers and team members that joined us. Thank you to all that served! Our kitchen team led by Linda Anthony. Patty Hanna, Nikki Price & Tom Scalish who served outside to help park all the cars that came through our driveway. Our photographer: Jolissa Valdez. Sandra Valdez who created our first-time visitor gifts. And so many more… we appreciate and thank each and every one of you! We couldn’t do it without you!
We can’t wait for our next meeting, Friday April 3rd.- Guest Speakers, Gary & Laurie Hendrickson, BASICS in Milwaukee Ministry.
Ministry update… We recently received our paperwork to make it “Official” from the state of Wisconsin with our ministry name “Arise and Go Ministries, Inc.” We have been fasting & praying since the beginning of the New Year and believe GOD is calling us to Arise and Go wherever the need is; to serve others, teach the next generation and help train others with our God given gifts & talents.
Friday was a powerful service – we started with testimonies from others who have been fasting and praying along with us. GOD gave me a WORD to Crossover to the Other Side, which I felt HE is leading us to continue to Move Forward with Visions & Dreams HE has given us. Many of us feel that 2020 is going to be a year of clarity and fresh vision. We had over 30 men & women who attended despite warnings of an approaching snowstorm. Praise GOD for hungry hearts who just wanted to come and worship, pray and seek HIS face. Tom also had a WORD to share – we need more of the Fear of GOD, we serve a HOLY GOD and we need more of a reverent holy fear of the Almighty GOD we serve.
Many NEW faces tonight – over 12 NEW guests all from different backgrounds, different ethnic groups, different parts of the state, and a variety of ages. We had enough cars to fill the driveway from front to back and are looking into different venues to expand our meetings. Keep that in prayer!
We want to thank Jacob Iaquinta who did an outstanding job leading us into the presence of GOD with Praise & Worship – and Kristy Scalish for helping out with PowerPoint as we sang along.
We also want to thank Ron Ledbetter, one of our favorite teachers, who followed with sharing communion. Our special guest speaker was Alex Erdmann who did an amazing job, as usual, of bringing the WORD of GOD alive. He concluded the evening with an altar call and asked if anyone needed or wanted prayer. The room erupted with a high volume of Praise & one by one they started to come forward asking for a touch from GOD. It was a beautiful sight to see the LORDS hands upon those who wanted more of GOD as we went around the room praying for one another.
We’d like to also thank Linda Anthony for coordinating kitchen duties and making soup along with Kathy Wolfe for her famous Chicken Soup with noodles. You ladies are fabulous and so appreciated. Lots of other snacks, fruit platters, salsa, chips, snacks – and an amazing dessert made by Terri Zager.
Each month we like to celebrate birthdays - “Happy Birthday” to all our guests…
· Debbie Batzler
· Ashley Krasemann
Our next Friday night “Arise and Go Ministries” Meeting is… February 28, 2020
· Lisa Rodriquez will be our Keynote Speaker
· Visit with missionary from the Ukraine the Osbourne’s
We also have a special “Girls Night ONLY” on Thursday…. February 27, 2020
Laurie Ganiere will be our Keynote Speaker
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