Every month we feature a nonprofit ministry …
Our guests for November were Jeff & Susan Brozek, they shared their vision of opening a retreat home in Door County called “Resthaven Retreat House” and offer it to those who are in full time ministry, missionaries and pastors/clergy. Their goal is to pamper those who labor so diligently for the LORD & offer FREE retreats.
Our AGM Worship Team was led by Mary DeWall and Tom Scalish – thank you for leading us into the presence of God.
This was the last AGM meeting for the year, so we ended with testimonies from those who have been attending on a regular basis. Thank you for sharing what the LORD put on your hearts, were blessed by your support, encouragement & prayers…
· Bob & Linda Anthony
· Kathy Wolfe
· Carrie Dexter
· Sandra Valdez
· Doris Townes
Each month we celebrate birthdays - “Happy Birthday” to…
· Debbie Ruiz
· Doris Townes
· MaryJo Phillips
· Mike Gutho
Our next AGM meeting is “Save the Date” January 24, 2020
Friday Evening …
Praise GOD, we’re so blessed to have so many friends, family & guests who are hungry for MORE of GOD and just want to worship & fellowship with other believers. Men, women, teens of all ages and all denominations are invited to our meetings. Our AGM family is growing, 15 NEW guests visited us this month and churches from all over the state came to worship with us.
Tom & Linda Scalish were our hosts this evening and opened their home to the AGM family and their guests. The house was filled to overflowing for sure, but that didn’t matter to some, they sat in chairs, on the floor and even stood to listen to our guest speaker. We need to look for a larger space to meet, but praise GOD we got someone who is willing to donate chairs for our next meeting. GOD is faithful and will provide. The driveway is another story, the cars needed to park down the road because we had NO more room, and we have a very large driveway that can fit about 15 cars already. Thank you to Tom Scalish & Bob Batzler for overseeing and taking care of Parking Lot ministry & assisting our guests where to park.
Our AGM Door Greeters were amazing - Carrie Dexter & Doris Towns & Kathy Wolfe met our guests with a smile and handed out Bids and Blessings Bucks’ and Darla Swisher & Sandra Valdez our “Cookie Girls” handed our guests a gift-wrapped package of homemade cookies baked fresh every month by Kristy Scalish & her cookie team.
Each month we feature a Cookie of the month…
· October was Oatmeal Raisin Nut Cookies
· November we will feature “Pecan Fingers” drenched in Powder Sugar
· ALL first-time guests get a special decorated “Arise and Go” cookie
Every month we feature a nonprofit ministry that gives HOPE to the hurting…
A big thank you to Mike and Barb Gutho from Waupaca, WI for coming and sharing “Fresh Hope” Ministry with the AGM family – we enjoyed having you as our featured guests this month. Fresh Hope is a Christian support group for those with mental health challenges and their loved ones. For more information you can contact them at their website www.freshhope.us
Our AGM Worship Team was led by Mary DeWall and Jacob Louis laquinta who led us into the throne room of GOD, as we sang with the angels in heaven. With lifted hands we sang “I Exalt Thee” and other songs new/old that we remembered. Alex Erdman encouraged us too Exalt and Praise the name of Jesus as we lifted our voices and sang in the spirit and shouted the name of JESUS – what a special night of worship – thank you AGM worship team.
Our Special Guest Speaker was Ron Ledbetter – He attends Mercy Hill AG church and is an excellent teacher of GOD’S WORD. He started out by sharing a little history with us all and asked us if we thought America was a Christian nation, and if we thought America was a nation of prayer? He quoted several scriptures and had us all join hands and pray for those who are lost without JESUS.
Ron talked about Jeremiah Lanphier a businessman in 1857 from New York City and how GOD laid it on his heart to hold one-hour meetings during lunchtime to share about JESUS. The meetings were very small at first but each week more and more started to come. Never give up on what GOD leads you to do. GOD is faithful and hears the prayers of HIS people. Luke 18: 1-8 “Continue to pray and do not lose heart”
A BIG thank you to Linda Anthony for making a HUGE pan of homemade lasagna, one of the BEST I’ve ever had.
Thank you to our kitchen duty - Sabrina Roosevelt & Bob & Debbie Batzler & Mary Jo Philips for kitchen duty & clean up – you’re an amazing team.
Also, Rudy & Debbie for cleaning up around the house.
Cake was served, candles were lit, and October Birthday Blessings were sung to our AGM Family ….
· Sandra Valdez - Kristy Scalish - Sabrina Roosevelt - Barb Gutho & Bob Anthony
September 2019
Amazing 3 days of “Team Building” with the AGM “Traveling Training Team”
September 12 – Thursday
“Girls Night ONLY” – we invited Brunnetta Soward to teach & share a workshop for just the ladies and boy did she deliver an amazing teaching. GOD wants to break the code of silence and the secrecy from within and expose the lies of the enemy – she shared an illustrated teaching called “Reclaiming your Freedoms.”
September 13 – Friday
The morning started with a “Team Building Scavenger Hunt” at IKEA as 2 groups of crazy ladies raced through the store, taking selfies and looking for help from customers and employees to be the first to WIN. Winners each got money toward their meal and we had a blast trying to complete the tasks that Kristy had for us.
In the evening we held our monthly AGM Home Fellowship meeting. We had 25 in attendance including men, women, teens and 5 first time visitors. Thank you for all who brought a dish to pass – we do appreciate you all and your investment into the ministry, we are blessed by so many good friends.
Nilda Rivera came at our invitation to share about “Special Touch Ministry” – every month we feature one new non-profit ministry. Proceeds from our Bids/Blessings table also helps us to contribute funds to others as well.
Tom Scalish led us in Praise & Worship and the WORD – as we began to worship with instruments and then with just our voices, he asked if anyone needs prayer for healing. The Holy Spirit then took over as others began to come forward for healing, we thank him for his Healing Ministry.
Our keynote speaker, Kristy Scalish, delivered a powerful message as well, she talked about the seasons of transition and shared a message “There is Purpose in Waiting” Her scripture reference was Ecclesiastes 3:1 which says that everything has its proper time. Kristy asked the question, – "Can GOD trust you in your “Season of Silence" HE is preparing us for reintroduction and restoring the passion in our purpose.
The evening ended with worship, prayer & celebrating September Birthdays, Blessings were sung to …. Jolissa Valdez & Bonnie Stevens
September 14 – Saturday
The team came together in the morning for prayer & worship and a workshop on “Communication” by Tom Scalish. We broke into groups and discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of communication available to us. We will compile a list from the answers that were shared to help begin improving our team communications.
Once again lunch was plentiful – and then we took a short break to step outside and enjoy the warm sunshine and get some fresh air while Elder Alex Erdmann set up for his workshop. Alex taught an outstanding workshop on “Prayer and Fasting” he shared the different types of fast and 7 steps that will help guide us along the way.
Please remember to reserve the following dates
Friday, October 11 - Doors open at 6:30 pm
Friday, November 15 - Doors open at 6:30 pm
The meetings start with fellowship, snacks and appetizers. Followed by testimony’s, Praise & Worship, a Keynote Speaker, Group Prayer, and ending with fellowship and a light meal. A dish to pass is appreciated by all.
Continue to pray for….
· Ron Ledbetter, our October Keynote Speaker
· Sheila Schabel, needs help in hiring workers in her childcare business
· Mary DeWall, healing from her surgery and 2 bulging discs
· Sandy Callies, cancer
· Linda Anthony, upper respiratory infection and upcoming surgery
Kristy made cookies for first time guests
August 2019 – Another Amazing Meeting – Thank You LORD
The warm weather didn’t stop us from “Moving Forward” – we had 5 new visitors; dynamic worship by Mary DeWall & our Keynote speaker Bill Callis shared his personal testimony which blessed and touch each one of us. He continued to remind us that in all things that happen within our lives, the good, the bad and the ugly we must give GOD glory because HIS ways are higher than our ways and sometimes we don’t understand the WHY when we GO to GOD, but HE is still faithful and true, and knows all our needs.
Tom started out the meeting with a devotional and talked about Peter stepping out in the water, GOD wants us to “Step out of the boat” – keep our eyes on Jesus and TRUST in HIS leading. Do not fear, take courage, we believe GOD is preparing us like Joshua to Arise and GO – to unchartered territory.
We do appreciate those who have brought a dish to share. Appetizers, fruit or veggie platters, cheese & crackers or small sandwiches are always welcomed.
Please remember to reserve the following “Save the Dates”….
All meetings are held on a Friday evening
Doors Open 6:30
Appetizers & light meal will be served
Our meetings include:
Praise & Worship
Keynote speaker
Group Prayer
September NEWS….
Continue to pray for….
Revised on August 6, 2019
August 2019 –
Glory to God – Another Amazing Meeting!
July was a HOT month, with temperatures reaching over 90 degrees outside but that didn’t stop our Arise and Go Ministry Team and other prayer warriors from joining us. We want to acknowledge all our NEW first-time visitors, 14 total, they blessed us with their prayers, support & encouraged us to keep “Moving Forward” in 2019. We might have to look for a bigger & new location, our house is getting full.
Linda Scalish was our Keynote speaker for July, she shared her testimony of how the LORD spoke to her in the book of Acts. The Damascus Road conversion that Paul had was the trigger that got us started with the “Arise and Go Ministries”. Three things that GOD pointed out to her were….
1. Arise and Go into the City and you will be told what you must do... Acts 9:6
You don’t have to know everything, just TRUST & OBEY – one step at a time. “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will direct your path”… Proverbs 3:5-6
2. Paul was 3 days without sight, and neither ate nor drank… Acts 9:9
Fasting & Prayer have always been a vital part of our ministry. She encouraged us to write down your visions & dreams and anything the LORD gives us. Journaling will help us as we continue to seek GOD and help us remember our mission as we continue to “Follow HIM”
3. Arise and Go to the street called Straight… Acts 9:11
Ananias had a vision from GOD and was told to GO and pray for a man named Paul, he knew Paul had the authority to bind up Christians and the power to kill him, but yet he obeyed. Ananias had to take a RISK and possibly loose his own life. Is GOD leading you to someone or asking you to GO somewhere that doesn’t make sense right now. GOD is asking us to stay on the Straight road, and “Follow HIM” we need to keep our eyes on HIM and keep “Moving Forward” no matter what the cost.
July NEWS…..
Birthday Club….We ended the evening with food, fellowship & acknowledging our birthday club guests –
Linda Scalish, Sheila Schabel, Sue Frievalt, Jacob Laquita & Cheri Shay.
Happy Birthday!!!
Were still taking donations for our Bids & Blessings table, looking for NEW or gently used items - all money will be used to support the ministry as we move forward in 2019. Ask us how to earn Bids & Blessings Bucks – something NEW. Bring a guest to our monthly meetings and get FREE B&B money.
Joan Hanstedt was our first NON-Profit ministry to share about “Royal Family Kids Camp” – a ministry to help those in the foster care system attend a camp once a year. They have fun raisers that help support their mission and kids of all ages can attend. Contact her if you are interested in more information.
Continue to pray for….
Our Worship Team is Growing
We want to Thank God for a mighty move of HIS Holy Spirit - our Traveling Training Team and Fellowship Group got together to worship, share the word and pray for those who needed a touch from JESUS.
Our key note speaker, Tom Scalish, challenged us with GOD’S word, and asked us “What kind of Christian are you?” Statistics show 71% of people in America claim to be a Christian, yet:
61% of Americans support same-sex marriage (2019)
63% of Americans said that homosexuality should be accepted by society (2016)
69% of Americans believe that Roe v. Wade ruling should stand (2018)
In the June 2019 issue of Decision magazine, Franklin Graham said that people are seeking to simply redefine Christianity in their own terms - "progressive Christianity," and that their core values have little or nothing to do with sin, the power of the cross, Heaven or hell, the deity of Christ or the authority of God's Word.
Tom quoted The New Life Version of Proverbs 29:18:
Where there is no understanding of the Word of the Lord, the people do whatever they want to, but happy is he who keeps the law.
The goal of Arise and Go Ministries is to teach & train using biblical teachings. Tom shared a quote by Franklin Graham, “Christianity is defined by God’s Word - not mans.”
The bottom line is: we must keep GOD’S commands and HIS law if we call ourselves followers of JESUS.
We want to thank everyone who participated - brought food to share and made our meeting a wonderful experience.
Our group also celebrated all the men in lieu of Father’s Day with homemade cupcakes by Kristy - we’re so proud of all our brothers in the Lord and excited to see them help build this ministry for GOD’S Glory.
Linda Scalish
Bible verses quoted: (click on link to read passage)
Genesis 2:24, 1 Corinthians 7:2-16, Ephesians 5:23-33, Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Romans 1:26-27, Jude 1:7,
1 Timothy 1:9-11, Luke 1:41, Luke 2:12, Luke 2:16, Deuteronomy 5:29
Chris at Registration
Glory Be to GOD - Praise the Lord for a beautiful night of fellowship, praise/worship and anointed prayer time with other believers.
We would like to thank, Brunnetta Soward, our special guest speaker from Parklawn Assembly of God Church. Brunnetta, shared her testimony and a message called: “Intentional Love.”
She read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 and encouraged us to BE the WORD. We need to stay focused and intentional in our relationships and committed to the mission GOD has assigned to us. LOVE: without expectations, examine: our motives, and ask ourselves: "what am I doing and who am I doing this for?" We serve a GOD of absolutes, everything HE does is deliberate and HE has a purpose for everything HE asks of us.
She gave a WORD to our ministry- “GOD is getting us ready to: Arise and Go into the community and to be prepared to help others with their pain”
We also had a time of celebration with our May Birthday attendees, Chris Schabel & Mary DeWall.
Linda Scalish
A time of fellowship before service
© 2025 Arise and Go Ministries is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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