Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
Praise GOD for a wonderful turnout, good fellowship & great food. We held our Christmas Party at The Machine Shed in Pewaukee and it was perfect for the whole family and plenty of room for the kids to spread out and play games.
Our AGM Partners, AGM Mentorship/Discipleship groups and their families, and AGM Teachers and their families were invited to join us. It was good to meet with our leadership team and get to know each person in the AGM Family.
We want to thank Nikki Price for bringing the dessert for us all, and Machine Shed for helping us set up and serve the cake. It was so nice to have everything catered and NO clean up or food prep involved, which allowed us to have more time to meet and greet everyone’s family. The food was so good too, excellent Fried Chicken.
Also, we want to thank Ashely and Katie for helping set up the tables & making table signs for each family, great job. The girls came over to help make Pecan Finger cookies prior to this event and each guest got cookies & a small gift for coming.
Kristy was our host at the registration table and had 3 jars filled with candy for them to guess how many were inside – all 3 were won by the men. The kids had plenty to do, with a separate book table, game table and a puzzle table and go to take home lots of goodies that Kristy had prepared for them.
Liliana and Kristy helped with handing out gifts and a white elephant game was enjoyed by all – although some of the gifts were crazy and funny, we did enjoy Pastor Jacob picking a large Green Bay Packer print of Reggie White, since he’s a TRUE Minnesota Fan it was a funny to see that was the gift he picked, not sure if he kept it or traded it though, lol.
Alex led us in a song & game called “12 Days of Christmas”. Lots of laughs. Each table was assigned the task of singing & acting out one of the days – we had a blast playing it & seeing how creative each table was. Were going to hire him again next year since he got the whole party laughing and enjoying the song.
I want to thank the AGM Board, Tom, Bob, Alex and Kristy for all your hard work, and commitment throughout the year, were blessed to have a GREAT Gifted Team that has dedicated their lives to pointing others to Christ.
Linda Scalish
Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
Our experience is always PLAN-G (GODS plan) is always the best plan. We have learned from past experience to be flexible & allow the Holy Spirit to make changes. We had our agenda all planned, but last-minute changes had us scrambling to make adjustments.
“Arise and Go Ministries” Friday Night LIVE was held on October 7th. Thank you, New Song Church for opening your doors to AGM – what an incredible night of Praise and Worship & sharing the WORD of GOD by Pastor Ramon Foster.
Praise GOD, we had over 15, new, first time visitors that joined us.
We are so blessed to partner with New Song Church led by Pastor Ramon & Anita Foster. Their church was in the middle of a 21 day fast, and he had an anointed & encouraging word to share with us. So many people that attended and also that watched online gave confirmations that it was just what they needed to hear. We want to thank the New Song Church worship team for leading us into an incredible night of praise and worship and also Janette for her anointed praise dance, you challenged us all to “Go Deeper”.
We want to give honor to Pastor Jacob & Maria Valtierra from The Gathering Place for helping out and serving as well. October is Pastor Appreciation month – we had over 8 pastors attend, and Bob Batzler opened up our meeting with praying for all our Pastors & recognizing their leadership.
Thank you to Nikki Price and your team for helping set up the food/beverage area. If you are interested in bringing a dish to pass, you can now sign up on FB what you are bringing, when you register your attendance . Thanks to Katie Krasemann for helping Kristy with registration and also Ashley Krasemann for helping at Bids/Blessings table, your assistance in setting up/tearing down and helping our guests is always appreciated. A big thank you to Liliana Larsen for helping unload cars and helping set up the night before. It sure was helpful to get in the night before.
See you all next month, New Song church as opened their doors to us all once again...
AGM Friday Night LIVE will be November 4th – our Guest Speaker is Pastor Krystal Oby from Northside Christian Assembly - Madison. We hope you can attend, please register on Facebook.
Linda Scalish
Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
Thank you, LORD! September 19th was a perfect night. We had beautiful weather for our 2nd Annual AGM Brewers Tailgate Outing.
Great response from our AGM family, we had 14 adults, 5 children and one 3-month-old baby attend. This was baby Noah's first Brewer Game, so he got a certificate to put in his memory book. We had a whole row of ADA seats up in terrace and because attendance was low, we had pretty much the whole section to ourselves. It was GREAT!!!!
We all met at Honey Creek AG church around 4:00 PM and carpooled to the stadium parking lot. We had a total of 5 cars – Alex drove his car, Linda Anthony drove her car, Kristy drove, Terrel drove his car and Gabe and Becky drove their car with all the kids. We each brought our own chairs, sandwiches & beverages to eat, and had lots of snacks and other food to share with everyone. God even blessed us all with FRONT ROW parking, right next to one another.
Gabe and Terrel took all the kids to the playground by the stadium grounds and Mandy and others took lots of pics of our tailgate party. Scroll down below to see all the memories of this years event.
The roof was open, and we got to sit up in terrace right next to Bernie Brewers chalet & the BIG Slide. The Milwaukee Brewers played the New York Mets – the NYM won tonight’s game, but we had a good time anyway. Some of us, even won tickets to the game on Tuesday night.
Linda Scalish
Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE – continues to move forward with men & woman of all ages and different denominations all coming together. Thank you to Gabe & Becky Ledbetter for opening their home to Arise and Go Ministries. Thank GOD the weather was perfect, so we opted to set up tables, chairs & have church on their backyard patio. Thank you to Terrel Holmes & Bob Batzler for helping with the Parking lot ministry – as you can see by the pics, it’s always a challenge.
Tom Scalish lead worship and shared a devotional as he led us into a unique outdoor worship experience. Kristy felt that several people had testimony’s to share and because of the devotional that GOD gave Tom, we had 3 testimony’s of GODS goodness.
Our goal is always to pray for one another, so we broke up into several small prayer groups and prayed for those that needed healing and other personal prayer requests. We are also encouraged by the “AGM Prayer Team” and those who help lead in prayer.
Food and Fellowship is always another part of our Friday Night Live agenda – thanks to all our guests who attended, we had an amazing variety of food & plenty of it to share with all. We also celebrated those who had September birthdays with cupcakes & singing “Happy Birthday”
The night ended with a bon fire by Gabe Ledbetter & opened their home to us all again on Monday for a “Family Labor Day” picnic. The weather was perfect, thank GOD.
Our next “AGM Friday Night LIVE” is October 7 – thanks to New Song Church for hosting it.
Linda Scalish
Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
This year’s “Arise and Go Ministries” 4th Annual Family/Friends Barbecue & Picnic was definitely a Plan G – the original date set was August 7, 2022, but watching the weather report, they forecasted storms all day, so we made an executive decision to cancel the picnic until the following week. Luckily, we had a picnic permit for the following weekend at the same location, so we decided to combine the “Arise and Go Ministries” family barbecue/picnic with the “Peters Family Reunion”.
It was a blessing to see the family and AGM come together, but the weather turned out to be cold, windy & not everyone was able to attend because of the date change. We still had enough guests who attended and thanks to our “Grill Masters” hot food did warm our belly’s.
The children still had fun with coloring, kid’s games, and went home with a lot of candy, stuffed animals and a ton of prizes. The playground was open, and the venue seemed to be perfect location to play pickle ball, volleyball, and other outdoor sporting games.
We want to thank all our volunteers for helping with coordinating and serving. John Price for leading the grilling station, Nikki price for coordinating the food/beverage area. You are definitely a blessing to AGM. Thanks to Becky Ledbetter for setting up the Bids/Blessings area, we had over 24 items on the Silent Auction table and lots of coats, sweaters & scarves sold, thanks to the weather. All our money collected went to purchase GAS cards for those who travel with us.
We also want to thank Lynette Bushe for setting up a picture corner for families to take group pics – your talents are so appreciated. Thank you to Alex for sharing a devotional and opening the picnic in prayer & worship. It was good to see Pastor Ramon & Anita from New Song Church & Pastor Jacob & Maria from The Gathering Place attend & support “Arise and Go Ministries” as we continue to partner with them and move forward building the kingdom together.
Linda Scalish
Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
Thank you to Pastor Cindy Christofferson from Rockwood Church in Waukesha for hosting this event. Arise and Go Ministries was blessed to partner together with New Song Church and First Lady Anita Foster for their 1st Annual Women’s Conference called “Faithful, Fearless & Free”. We could not have done this without our faithful committee Kristy Scalish from AGM & Liliana Larsen from New Song Church, who worked so many hours preparing for this event & the many volunteers who helped served with us. We are already talking about planning the 2nd annual conference, GOD willing, and will keep you posted on future retreat dates.
We started our time together on Friday afternoon with a volunteer luncheon, prayer time and setting up our vendor tables. Bids & Blessings from Arise and Go Ministries and Rockwood church both had shopping opportunities for our guests, to bless their ministry & help support their mission. We had over 75 guests who traveled from Eau Claire, WI and Green Bay. We had a surprise reunion visit from Linda & Cindy’s friends from Home Interiors. That was a blessing, since H.I. was part of both of their personal testimonies and the beginning of their spiritual journey. We had over a dozen church’s represented and met so many new friends.
Jerry & Tasha Causey blessed us with worship on Friday & Saturday – and the New Song Church Praise Dancers surprised us with a beautiful song & dance rendition, what an anointed time of worship we had both days. Anita Foster was our guest speaker both days, and Saturday Pastor Cindy did a workshop on “Women in Leadership” followed by Linda Scalish workshop called “Risky Business” – we also had a Q & A time from our guests who shared what they learned.
Praise the LORD for the many wonderful testimony’s & new friendships that were formed from our time together. We hope you enjoy the Photos that are posted from this conference.
Linda Scalish
Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
Praise the LORD – we had 25 people in attendance including 8 First Time Visitors. What a glorious time of praise & worship led by Tom Scalish as we broke out in spontaneous songs, you could feel the brush of angels wings among us.
This month’s guest speakers were Jeremy & Wendy Osborne, missionaries to Odesa, Ukraine. They came to share their heart & testimony’s of what GOD was doing in Ukraine. Even though the war between Ukraine and Russia is still going on we continue to see the hand of GOD moving among the people there, we will continue to uphold the pastors & church in Ukraine in our prayers.
We took an offering to help the people of Ukraine, if you wish to join us and would like to donate, click HERE to go to our website, then scroll down to "Financial Giving.." Please designate that you would like your offering to go to Ukraine, and we will add you to the offering.
Linda Scalish
Parking Lot Ministry
Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
Our annual ladies “Spring Retreat” in Door County was AMAZING, Praise the LORD.
We had 8 first time visitors that joined us and 13 attended altogether. Thank you, Resthaven Retreat House, for partnering with Arise and GO Ministries, and allowing us to spend time with you, GOD and just rest. Every time we visit, we experience the Peace & Glory of HIS Presence.
Our theme this year was “Self-Care” and our scripture we focused on was in Mark 12:30 “Love the LORD your GOD with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength”. We had 4 different speakers share about the heart – soul – mind – strength.
Friday night…
Linda shared 3 points the LORD showed her about the natural physical heart, the heart of AGM ministry and the heart of GOD. Proverbs 3:5-6 says “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…” We each received a personalized journal and enough hearts to share an encouraging word for each guest that joined us. We posted our hearts in their journals as a memory & keepsake for daily reminders of GODS love.
Saturday morning….
Kristy shared what the LORD showed her about the soul & daily affirmed us to listen & obey the voice of GOD. We had so many teaching moments throughout our weekend, she encouraged us to speak out & share what we felt the LORD was showing us. Praise GOD the Holy Spirit was speaking, the gifts were flowing, and the Spirit of Freedom was among us.
Susan shared teachings on the mind. Our mind is a battlefield. We need to take captive every thought that doesn’t line up with the WORD of GOD. Romans 12:2 tells us to “Renew our minds” 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “GOD has not given us a spirit of FEAR for timidity, but of power, love and a sound mind” We need to demolish & smash anything that is negative or doesn’t line up with the WORD of GOD. We must monitor every thought that tries to enter our minds.
Saturday night…
Sister Bru taught on strength. She did an illustrated sermon teaching, on how the devil has tied us up with lies, by using our past to rob us of our GOD given strength. It was so powerful and mind provoking – we had so many breakthrough moments. In a vision the LORD showed us that HE was doing heart surgery & healing us from past wounds. Each person received a band of ties to remind us that Jesus came to set the captive FREE, HIS blood covers & protects us.
Sunday morning….
Testimony Sunday, Pastor Jeff & First Lady Susan led us in a communion service & each of us shared testimony’s of how GOD had been speaking to us about Standing Firm, moving forward and how to Arise and GO from here. It was truly a breakthrough retreat for most of us.
Thanks again to Resthaven Retreat House for allowing us to share your home with AGM.
Linda Scalish
Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
Praise GOD for another Spirit filled and amazing evening of HIS Presence. We had 27 men and woman of all ages join us, including 4 first time visitors. Some even traveled from Madison & Janesville – it was so wonderful to visit with our NCA Northside Christian Assembly family. We love them so much and thank GOD for opening up their schedule to worship with us.
The entire night was filled with spontaneous worship, sharing a word that the LORD put on their hearts & prophetic messages throughout the night and during group prayer time. We had people from all ages and backgrounds join us & you could feel the tangible presence of GOD upon us as we began to worship, thank you to Jerry & Tasha Causey for leading us into HIS Presence.
Pastor Ramon Foster & his beautiful wife Anita, from New Song Church, was our special guest speaker. His message was strong, powerful & totally anointed. GOD wants us to walk into a more deeper & intimate relationship with HIM, he talked about the difference between a religious spirit & a relationship with GOD. Religion is when we act holy, but a relationship with HIM will empower us to live right. We need the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 11:28-30 says “Come to me and I will give you rest…” it takes maturity to wait upon GOD, instead of living a religious performance. Exodus 19 “You have seen what I did with the Egyptians…” don’t you know that GOD loves you enough to pursue you.
The safest place to be is in the Presence of Jehovah. The spirit broke out in a spontaneous song of “In the Presence of Jehovah” – check out this song on our AGM Facebook Page.
We want to thank all the AGM volunteers for helping with food, beverage, greeting, parking lot ministry, prayer team etc. They love GOD, love people and love to serve wherever needed, without you and without HIS Presence we could not move forward with the mission HE has given us. Our hearts are full of gratitude & appreciate your support to AGM.
We are looking forward to sharing more about the ladies conference coming up in July stay tuned for more details, but save the date July 22 & 23, 2022. We have enclosed many selfies & pics from our time together, hope you enjoy the few we listed. (Selfies and others are coming)
Linda Scalish
Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
Praise GOD, Arise and Go Ministries held their 1st Friday Night LIVE for 2022.
6 Men and 15 ladies attended. We will continue meeting, GOD willing, the 1st Friday in April & May, but because of limited parking we are now asking people to RSVP. We have started a signup sheet to ensure we have enough parking spots and chairs for our guests.
Our evening started at 6:00 PM with fellowship, worship, and testimony’s. Each month we will feature a special guest speaker and allow our guests to shop at the Bids/Blessings table.
Pastor Jacob Valtierra from the “Gathering Place” shared GOD'S word with us and confirmed many items that we felt the LORD had already been speaking to us about. He saw AGM as a ministry that is equipping the body of Christ to Arise and GO, sharing GOD'S word, healing the sick through prayer/fasting & building up the body of Christ to serve in the local church.
Linda also shared a vision/dream that GOD showed her about “Standing Firm”
1 Corinthians 16:13 says...” Watch (be on guard, be alert) stand fast (stand firm in the faith) be brave, be strong.” The devil is a liar and trying to intimidate you. Do not let FEAR stop you from your mission, keep moving forward. The enemy is a BIG BULLY, we must not back away and trust that the Holy Spirit will guide and direct our steps. Keep pointing others to JESUS.
Kristy and Alex shared our announcements and highlighted “What’s New”. Who shops at Amazon? Almost everyone in our group does, and now a portion of your total order can help support Arise and Go Ministries. Go to or go the Arise and Go Ministries webpage and click the giving tab. If you need help linking on, please let us know, we will be happy to assist you.
We want to thank our volunteer ministry team for helping with food prep, parking lot, hospitality, praise & worship, and prayer . They do it with a grateful heart, sharing their gifts/talents with us all. Mathew 8:19 says “Teacher, I will follow you, wherever you GO…” this is the cost of discipleship, following Jesus and trusting in HIS leading and serving others.
Our next Friday Night LIVE will be held April 1st featuring Pastor Ramon Foster from “New Song Church” as our special guest speaker.
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