Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
Praise GOD, what a wonderful turnout and a beautiful setting. We held our Annual AGM Christmas Party at the Machine Shed in Pewaukee, a perfect place to have a gathering for adults and kids of all ages. They decorated the room with trees, lights and the best part was NO cooking.
The Machine Shed did it all setup and cleanup and the food was so good. Fried Chicken, meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn, salad, HOT fresh rolls and butter and a garden salad with all the fixings.
We had a great turnout too, 10 kids and 30 adults – all showed up with their Sunday best. We had round tables reserved with movie themes that Kristy Scalish prepared ahead of time. It’s a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th street, Frosty the Snowman, and a Charlie Brown Christmas all had table hostess’s who donated centerpieces to our guests with a free raffle ticket.
Thank you to Nikki Price, Liliana Larsen, Lynette Bushe and Kristy Scalish for your creativity and your donations to our guests. They all loved them, but the big winners were the Anthony Family who won 3 of the raffle giveaways. Jasmine, Linda and Mandy Anthony all won a door prize.
We did something NEW this year and played the game “Let’s Make a Deal” – we let the kids spin a wheel and called one table at a time to come up and pick a prize. They could keep it or give it away to someone in the audience. They had fun trading and by looking at some of the pics below you will see a few zonks.
We’d like to give a shout out to Sandra and Jolissa Valdez for helping with the kid’s area. They had tables reserved with children’s activities and homemade crafts for them all to take home. Stephanie Pulido, brought board games for the kids to play while us adults walked around, ate and fellowshipped with each other. It helped that we had a private room and space all to ourselves.
My dad, George Peters donated about 2 dozen puzzles for most of our guests to take home. We appreciate everyone’s participation and are grateful for you friendship, your donations, your encouragement and your prayers. It’s a blessing to do ministry with you and your families.
I also would like to say thank you to the men on our AGM Board of Directors, for their contributions to this event. Pastor Alex Erdman for leading us in the 12 Days of Christmas, Tom for helping with sound and donating a beautiful cake with our logo and wrapping all of Linda’s gifts she provided for the “Let’s Make a Deal Game”. Bob Batzler led us in prayer and gave our final end of the year offering and shared the importance of giving. You guys are the BEST!!!
The pictures below show some of the FUN and FELLOWSHIP we all had, if you have any pictures to share, send them to me for editing. We will try our best to edit your pics on our website.
Linda Scalish
Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
First, we want to give a - Shout Out - to New Song Church, for once again opening their doors to us and partnering with Arise and Go Ministries. You are a most generous HOST and faithful partner to AGM – we covet your prayers & always look forward to seeing you and working with you and your church family, in building up the body of Christ together.
Second, we want to thank Curtis Eubanks for leading us in worship. You definitely have the anointing on your life to lead worship, we were extremely blessed & honored that you took the time to come to an AGM Friday night service to serve with us. May GOD continue to use you to draw others into the throne room & into HIS presence.
October 6 will forever go down in our books as one service we will not forget, the Spirit of GOD was moving; as we heard so many prophetic words, visions, testimony’s of deep inner healings of deliverance from years of abuse. It was like the book of Acts coming to life right before our eyes.
Acts 2:17 “And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams”.
One lady came up front and shared her testimony of how GOD healed her from over 70 years of a spirit of heaviness, from past wounds. She was jumping up and down as she shared of the goodness of GOD that came over her as we read from the book of Isaiah 61 “The spirit of the LORD is upon ME …. To comfort those who mourn, to give beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.”
Thank you to our AGM teachers & all our volunteers for helping with prayer & preparing our hearts with fasting and prayer prior to this night. It takes teamwork to run this ministry and with unity, humility and a hungry heart to see GOD move, we appreciate & love you all so much.
We had so many first-time visitors & look forward to our next time together will be November 3, if your able to join us, contact us asap. Seating & parking is limited. Pastor Alex Erdmann will be our guest speaker, you will be encouraged by his message, as we always are.
We would also like to say Happy Birthday to our October Guests & AGM Partners…
Bob Anthony, Cheryl Sanders, Christine Schmidt, Pastor Jacob Valtierra, Katie Krasemann, Kristy Scalish, Sabrina Roosevelt, Sandra Valdez, and Terrel Holmes.
Enjoy all the pictures submitted from others for this event…
Linda Scalish
Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
Thank you to Gabe & Becky Ledbetter for opening their home to Arise and Go Ministries. Praise GOD the weather was perfect, so we opted to set up tables, chairs & have church on their backyard patio & deck. Your gracious hospitality was so welcoming to everyone who came.
Thank you to Terrel Holmes who helped with parking lot ministry and the many people who brought appetizers & desserts during fellowship time. Kristy Scalish led worship with a few songs on our boom box & also read scriptures during worship that the LORD laid on her heart.
We celebrated a few birthdays with singing & fancy cupcakes. Happy Birthday to Nikki Price and Bob Batzler for your ongoing faithfulness to AGM and helping in so many ways.
During announcements, Bob Batzler opened with encouraging and inviting men to the FREE “Men’s Advance” on Saturday, September 16. Pastor Ramon Foster, from New Song Church is leading this FREE event. AGM is partnering with them and RockWood Church in Waukesha is hosting this years event. A light breakfast & lunch is included and a free will offering will be received, many other churches have been invited as well.
Our Friday Night LIVE special Guest Speaker was Pastor Jacob Valtierra, from The Gathering Place Church. He shared from Deuteronomy about the blessings vs the curses & reminded us that the WORD of GOD says when we obey the LORD, the blessings will overtake us.
Deuteronomy 28:1-2…. “If you diligently obey the voice of the LORD, your GOD, to observe carefully all HIS commandments which I command you today, that the LORD your GOD will set you high above all nations of the earth. All these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the LORD your GOD”
We concluded our evening with the men praying over Pastor Jacob and his family and the woman surrounded the men and stood in agreement. We are so encouraged by the “AGM Prayer Team” and those who help lead in prayer – thank you to everyone for your support.
Our next “Friday Night LIVE” were planning a “Healing Service” on October 6, 2023. We have a special guest worship leader Curtis Eubanks & New Song Church will be hosting this event. RSVP if you would like to join us and invite a friend who needs a special touch from the LORD.
Linda Scalish
Recap from Linda Scalish
Praise & Worship …Arise and Worship the Lamb
New Song Church hosted a Seder Meal and Friday Night LIVE.
We started out with a full day of Praise & Worship, Tom Schwalbach ministry organized several teams to join us around noon until about 4:00 PM with worship dance & waving the banners. Several ministers & and worship teams came together for an ALL-DAY worship service including a…
Sedar Meal - Because it was Good Friday. We had about 30 people joining us, and many partook of the sharing the meal & meaning of each element. It was a special time of learning & teaching by many different teachers. We concluded with a potluck style dinner and fellowship & continued our evening with a ….
Healing Service – and continued with more praise & worship led by Tom Scalish & Curtis Eubanks – they shared the WORD & allowed the Holy Spirit to move freely among us. The AGM prayer team flowed through the room praying on anyone who needed a special touch from the LORD. GOD was healing hearts, minds, bodies & speaking into their lives for complete restoration. It was a powerful service.
Thank you to New Song Church or hosting this event & graciously allowing us to use their church & partnering with Arise and Go Ministries.
We will continue to Arise and Build the Kingdom of GOD together!
Linda Scalish
Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
Praise GOD for another AMAZING evening of fellowship, worship, teaching the WORD of GOD and prayer. The weather was perfect, and we had plenty of good food to eat. The SPIRIT of GOD was moving in this house, like a “FRESH WIND.”
We had 16 people who attended, and 5 of them were NEW guests.
The day started out a little hectic, when Kristy was taken ill, we had to scramble to go through our notes & prepare a “PLAN-G” before for our guests arrived. We had several people who were ill and couldn’t come, so we started out the night thanking GOD for those who did attend and prayed for all those who were sick in body.
We started promptly at 6:30 PM with Worship by Curtis Eubanks who led us into a glorious time of Praise & Worship on his keyboard. This was his first-time visiting AGM, and we hope it’s just the beginning of working together with him in ministry.
Curtis has a definite gift of prophetic singing and leading us into HIS presence.
After worship, our Guest Speaker Pastor Alex Erdmann shared the WORD of GOD with us and led us right into praying for one another. He took us into the book of Matthew and talked about the healings that are manifested by our Faith walk.
Our prayer team laid hands on everyone afterwards as the Spirit led us to pray for one another. The video on Facebook will give you an idea of what happened that night.
Thank you to everyone who brough food to share, helped with registration, greeting, parking lot ministry, food & beverage duties etc. Your willingness to serve as allowed us to continue building the kingdom of GOD and doing what HE has called us to do.
Linda Scalish
Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
The first Friday Night Live of 2023 was held on February 3. The weather was very cold and we had a snow storm the day before, but GOD answered our prayers, and the roads were clear. Our parking lot ministry braved the outdoors and helped park cars in the driveway, while our hospitality team was inside preparing hot food & appetizers for our guests during fellowship.
Praise GOD we had 8 First Time Visitors, attending a Friday Night LIVE.
Our Guest Speakers, Gordy & Heidi Hampton Davis shared their love story with us and how GOD brought them together while Gordy was serving time in Prison.
We have known Heidi for over 30 years, while we attended OCAG church and served in many ministries together including illustrated sermons. She was also the owner of a Christian Book Store called “Heaven’s Way” in South Milwaukee. We helped her work the store on many occasions, since this was a witnessing hangout for many young people who just got saved.
While attending OCAG church together in the 90’s – Tom and I started a home fellowship group when the LORD began to stir up a desire within us to host all night prayer meetings, which ran well into the middle of the next morning. The Holy Spirit was leading us through worship, laying hands on the sick, sharing bread together and of course reading scriptures.
While GOD was moving upon all our hearts, a friend of Heidi asked her if she was interested in being a pen pal to some of the men in prison who had accepted the LORD while in prison and needed some encouragement from the outside world.
That is where Heidi met her husband Gordy and where their LOVE story began.
We had many prayer meetings praying for Gordy, and at times got discouraged when his parole officers denied his release over and over again. Months & years past by but thank GOD we didn’t give up praying, and eventually GOD opened up the door for him to get released for good. What a glorious homecoming party that was for us all.
We saw how GOD was using Gordy in the prison to witness & encourage others on the inside, and then how GOD used him to help others once they go released and needed assistance.
The Prison Ministry is a great way to step out of the boat and get involved in ministry outside of the church walls. I felt the LORD saying, “Not everyone will get saved or come to know the GOOD NEWS inside a church”. We must Arise and Go to where the LOST is, sometimes it means going on the streets or going into the prisons, we must GO and meet them where they are at.
Arise and GO…. That is what Jesus did, and that is our mission as well.
Linda Scalish
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