Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
It’s TIME to ADVANCE and continue to “Build the Kingdom of GOD” together. Let me start by thanking GOD for bringing the AGM partners together at our monthly Friday Night LIVE gatherings. We were blessed to join with the New Song Church family, the Word of Life Church family and The Gathering Place church family, and many other individuals from churches all over the Milwaukee & suburb cities.
Arise and Go Ministries is a support ministry, our vision is to help teach, train, equip & serve the local church and other non-profit ministries. Our goal is to build relationships with men and woman of all ages through biblical training. Go into all the world & make disciples, that’s our mission.
It was good to be together with our “New Song Church” family and Pastor Ramon and Anita Foster – Pastor Ramon had an encouraging word from the LORD to share. He exhorted us to seek the LORD and vote in the upcoming election. He took us through the WORD of GOD and showed us many scriptures that remind us to pray for our leadership & vote with biblical values that we must stand firm on.
I love what he said, “it's biblical to be political."
We also love the Word of Life church family. Each year we set up a Bids & Blessings boutique at their annual December Ladies Christmas Party. AGM enjoys partnering together with them and they in turn bless us with donating office supplies & other items that our needed in our mentorship discipleship groups. They truly have a servants heart and are always ready to volunteer at all our events.
We also want to thank Pastor Jacob & Maria Valtierra, from The Gathering Place – they opened their doors to Arise and Go Ministries to host our Friday Night LIVE gatherings. We love attending their Saturday night weekly services and love serving in this church. We support their vision, their mission and encourage anyone who doesn’t have a home church to attend.
Tom Scalish led us in worship & praise - His style of worship always points us to scripture & the WORD of GOD. We are blessed by the gifts/talents of so many in our ministry. Some of the ladies helped during worship & brought banners and used the shofar that helped led us into His Presence.
We don’t want to forget our Sound Guy – Terell, for his faithfulness in the AGM ministry. He is instrumental in the media ministry and helps in so many area’s as well. Tom also produced an excellent promotional video that shares our vision, our purpose and our goals. Together they make a great team.
We celebrated all the November birthdays and because this was our last FNL for the year, we also celebrated those who had a December birthday – We pray the NEW year will be their BEST one yet.
We don’t want to forget what GOD did during our prayer and altar time – I personally received a testimony of someone who rededicated their lives to GOD and got filled with the Holy Spirit that night. Never stop praying for your loved ones & those in your family. God is faithful – don’t get tired or weary in doing good or praying, for in due season we will reap a harvest. That’s GODS promise.
It’s TIME to ADVANCE – in prayer. The bible says in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If MY people who are called by MY name will humble themselves, and pray and seek MY face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
Linda Scalish
Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
Praise GOD for HIS WORD and the men & woman who came together for prayer, worship & share testimony’s & breaking bread together. GOD continues to tug on our hearts the message throughout the 2024 calendar year - “It’s TIME to ADVANCE”.
Tom led worship mixed with scriptures and songs about holiness, and shared how much the church has swayed from GODS commandments. We must be people of HIS WORD and live a separate, clean & committed life, fully surrendered to HIM. We keep moving the boundaries and move further & further from GOD and closer to what the world has to offer.
We started out the night singing “Open the Eyes of My Heart LORD” and by the pics you can see the flags came out and our sister Brittney started waving the banners at the altars. We learned a new/old song called …“I Can’t Even Walk Without You Holding My Hand”. The prayer team came forward and those that needed prayer filled the altars.
Come out and be separate from among them …. Tom quoted from Henry Bla
"When you do not fear God, you will not fear sin.
There is a direct relationship between a high view of God and a high view of sin.
A low view of God brings a low view of sin."
Holiness by Henry Blackaby
That’s one of the strong points of the AGM team, they love to pray with others. A prophetic word came forward and someone shared a vision that there were angels in the room, and felt the LORD say…. “someone needed healing in their ears”. The spirit was moving and again the prayer team took action – the anointing was upon us as we prayed for those in need.
Thanks to the volunteer “Dream Team” that helped set up the bids/blessings area – Sandy, Cindy & Debbie - many were blessed and took home a treasure or two and some even donated to the cause. Nikki and her team set up the food & beverage and dessert tables and Kathy Wolfe made her once again, delicious and famous homemade HOT Sloppy Joe recipe.
Terell helped with sound & technical needs, and Kristy oversaw the registration area & recruited help with ushering. Everyone chipped in and helped out in some area. Thank you so much!
A shout out to the October Birthday gang…. Kristy Scalish, Terrell Holmes, Bob Anthony, Sandra Valdez & ______________.
Fill in the blank, if I forget anyone who had an October birthday.
Don’t miss out on our next – Friday Night LIVE held at The Gathering Place on November 1, 2024.
Linda Scalish
Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
First, we want to thank the LORD for our partners “The Gathering Place” for opening up their church to Arise and Go Ministries. We are blessed to have partners like you, who encourage us, support us financially & cover us in prayer. Your guidance & prayers are essential to AGM.
We were blessed by the many NEW visitors to Friday Night LIVE and the help we received by so many volunteers. Thank you to the many people who donated to the Bids & Blessings Ministry, your donations and your talents to setting up tables was beautiful. You have a servants heart, and your work does not go unnoticed, I’m grateful for our “Dream Team” Sandy, Debbie & Cindy.
Nikki Price and her volunteer team always do an outstanding job, setting up the food & beverage area & coming early to get that coffee nice and hot. Kristy Scalish & her team always make our guests feel welcome from door greeters, ushers & preparing a goody bag for all our NEW guests.
Terell Holmes is always there to do whatever we need from him. From set up, to clean up, and there to the end to lock up the doors. He was also our worship leader & sound guy and pulled it all together when we needed it, it was a PLAN G kind of day, if you know what I mean.
We invited Maria Valtierra as our guest Keynote Speaker and had her share whatever the LORD put on her heart. Her message from the LORD was “Can I Get a Witness” . Her emphasis was on the Great Commission to “Go and make disciples” which was a perfect message for AGM because that is part of our mission. She said many of us have a FEAR of going & being that witness because of 2 things – Fear of Rejection and Fear of biblical knowledge. Just share what Jesus has done in your life that is your testimony, and continue to serve HIM, and study HIS word daily.
She challenged us to pray for 2 people that the LORD put on our hearts each day and pray scriptures over them. Spending TIME with the LORD is how we advance the kingdom of GOD in our ministry. It’s Time to Advance in prayer…. because something NEW is on the horizon.
We were also encouraged by the testimony of Randi Haase – she shared how the AGM mentorship discipleship ministry has helped her in her walk with the LORD and the struggles she had before she came to church. She now serves at The Gathering Place and signed up for DSOM and is a regular helper at all our AGM events. Her knowledge & helping hands is a godsent to us all.
Our altar time was once again amazing, thank you to all our prayer warriors. The week prior to our events we schedule & plan a prayer call each morning, to prepare our hearts and pray for those attending and pray scriptures over them. We had a few prophetic words given that night and many received and came forward for prayer. We believe GOD is raising up the prophets voice to deliver the people of GOD from broken hearts, healing in our bodies & chains that have held us back from serving GOD & going deeper with GOD. Altar time is always my favorite TIME.
Birthdays were celebrated, fellowship was encouraging, shopping the BB tables was great, but worship and altar time is my favorite part of each event.
Please save the date to our next Friday Night LIVE on October 4, 2024.
We always meet the first Friday of the month.
Linda Scalish
Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
Thank you to New Song Church for hosting the AGM Friday Night LIVE in March. We are so grateful to have them as a faithful partner, friend & prayer covering at all times. They open their doors freely to us and I know they call on us too when they need help with teaching, training and serving at their events. AGM is a support ministry and were here to help however we can.
Linda opened the meeting with a WORD that GOD gave her for 2024 “It’s TIME to ADVANCE” and take back what the enemy has stolen from us. We need to remember its by HIS POWER that we can ADVANCE, the TIME is now to take back the ground that the enemy has stolen.
We were blessed beyond measure for all the NEW people that attended and all the volunteers who helped set up, clean up and volunteered at our ministry tables. Our newest registration assistant is Randi Haase and is an extreme help getting administration stuff prepared beforehand.
Nikki Price and her team helped set up food & drink stations and many of our guests brought food to share before service began. As always there is plenty of food to go around, Kathy Wolfe & Terrel did an outstanding job helping us set up and making their famous pulled pork sandwiches.
Thanks to my new assistant Cindy Duer she coordinated and set up and organized the Bids/Blessings table. We were able to bless “Word of Life” church with bags of clothing to take back to their church & neighborhood. We are always looking for NEW or GENTLY USED items, if you want to donate to AGM, contact us or go to the AGM website to download a flyer.
It was so encouraging to see the people lay prostrate before the LORD, during worship & prayer we were blessed by the WORD & WORSHIP led by Tom Scalish – the anointing in that place was so strong, we thank GOD for coming down to meet us. We closed with inviting Pastor Ramon up front and prayed over his ministry, his family and his church. We are standing in agreement with him that a new church building will be available, and that GOD will expand his territory.
Thanks also to our MC’s, Kristy Scalish & Liliana Larsen for leading us in service and overseeing all the details that go into these special nights of worship & prayer.
Pastor Ramon always says, there is so much MORE in 2024 – I believe that.
It’s TIME to ADVANCE in our prayers, and our zeal for more of GOD. It’s TIME to Advance in building the Kingdom of GOD.
Keep pointing others to JESUS.
Linda Scalish
Recap from Linda Scalish (Pictures below)
Praise the LORD ….Here’s a summary of the AGM Friday Night LIVE.
We first want to thank the HOLY SPIRIT for meeting us, guiding us & empowering us to do the work HE has called us to, each time we gather together. The Gathering Place Church was gracious enough to open their doors for AGM and allowing us to use their sanctuary and hosting the Friday Night Live.
Linda Scalish shared the WORD that GOD gave her for 2024 “It’s TIME to ADVANCE” and take back what the enemy has stolen from us. We need to remember its by HIS POWER that we can ADVANCE, the TIME is now to take back the ground that the enemy has stolen.
Our goal is to ADVANCE the kingdom, not our ministry and be KINGDOM MINDED at all times
We were blessed beyond measure for all the NEW people that attended and all the volunteers who helped set up, clean up and volunteered at our ministry tables.
Nikki Price and her team helped set up food & drink stations and many of our guests brought food to share before service began. Mandy Anthony & Debbie Batzler set up the registration area and assembled the welcome bags & Cindy Duer set up and organized the Bids/Blessings table.
Without these faithful partners we could not meet & spend time with all our new guests. So many hands make our workload light. Finally, thanks to Liliana Larsen for organizing the AGM prayer team – we had over a dozen men/women who committed to fast & pray and came together the entire week prior to our meeting to seek the LORD for HIS guidance, HIS anointing on the entire service and pray for each person who was attending this event.
It was so encouraging to see the altars filled with people who want more of GOD & are coming forward with an expectancy in their hearts that GOD was going to meet every need, every prayer request and heal their bodies by the power of the WORD, and the laying on of hands.
Thanks also to our MC’s, Pastor Alex Erdmann & Kristy Scalish for leading us in service and overseeing all the details that go into these special nights of worship. We were blessed once again by Curtis Eubanks who led us into the presence of GODS throne room. Each time he comes we believe that GOD will show up - he knows how to flow with the anointing of HOLY SPIRIT & lead us all into that special place of intimacy through praise & worship.
We’re also grateful to our partners at New Song Church, led by Pastor Ramon Foster, his wife, Sister Anita & his leadership team – Pastor Ramon closed the service with a testimony and a word that he felt GOD gave him for the NEW YEAR. We are blessed to have so many godly partners in AGM that share the same vision, same goals & love to share the gospel & reach the lost.
There is so much MORE in 2024 – keep pointing other to JESUS.
Linda Scalish
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